Professional career

01.01.2022 – heute | Leiter Zentralfunktionen in der PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG |
01.01.2020 – 28.02.2021 | Geschäftsführer der PreZero Dual GmbH |
01.01.2020 – 31.12.2021 | Prokurist der PreZero Deutschland KG Aufgabe: Leiter Geschäftsentwicklung (anorganisches Wachstum in Deutschland und Europa) |
01.04.2015 – 31.01.2020 | Geschäftsführer der Tönsmeier Service Westfalen GmbH (heute PreZero Service Westfalen GmbH) Aufgabe: Geschäftsbereichsleiter GB 1 (Deutschlandgeschäft ohne Systemgeschäft) |
01.09.2014 – 31.01.2020 | Geschäftsführer der Energie Anlage Bernburg (heute PreZero Energy GmbH) |
25.03.2013 – 31.03.2014 | ias Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin |
25.03.2013 – 31.03.2014 | Divison Manager Sales and Marketing ias Group |
15.03.2011 – 30.11.2013 | BARD Offshore, Emden |
12.06.2012 – 30.11.2013 | Consultant for BARD Group |
01.03.2012 – 11.06.2012 | Chief Operating Officer „Operations“ of BARD Engineering GmbH |
25.07.2011 – 25.10.2011 | Chief Executive Officer of BARD Service GmbH |
01.05.2011 – 11.06.2012 | Chief Operating Officer „Business Development“ of BARD Engineering GmbH |
01.05.2011 – 11.06.2012 | Proxy holder of BARD Holding GmbH |
01.11.2010 – 31.05.2011 | EBS European Business School, Wiesbaden |
Postgraduate studies with degree „Sustainable Real Estate Project Development“ | |
01.01.2010 – heute | KAISERMINING |
Self-employed consultant | |
01.02.2008 – 31.12.2009 | INTERSEROH SE, Cologne, Germany |
15.03.2009 – 31.12.2009 | Board of Directors of Interseroh France |
15.07.2008 – 30.11.2008 | Managing Director of ISH Interseroh Holzhandel GmbH |
01.02.2008 – 31.12.2009 | Managing Director of ISR Interseroh Rohstoffe GmbH |
01.10.1997 – 31.01.2008 | ALBA Group, Berlin, Germany |
01.04.2007 – 31.01.2008 | Division Manager General Waste Treatment |
01.04.2007 – 31.01.2008 | Managing Director of ALBA 2 Energy GmbH |
01.01.2005 – 31.03.2007 | Division Manager Sales & Recycling |
01.01.2005 – 31.03.2007 | Managing Director of ALBA Baudienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG |
01.01.2005 – 31.12.2005 | Managing Director of ALBA Glasrecycling GmbH |
16.04.1999 – 31.03.2007 | Managing Director of ALBA Wertstoffmanagement GmbH (formerly: WVS Wertstoffvermarktungsgesellschaft für Sekundärrohstoffe mbh) (sales in 2005: 98 Mio. €, sales in 2006: 144 Mio. €) |
01.01.1998 – 15.04.1999 | Managing Director of ALBA Sarajevo d.o.o. |
01.10.1997 – 15.04.1999 | Sales department of ALBA International GmbH |
01.07.1995 – 30.09.1997 | ISD INTERSEROH GmbH, Cologne |
01.01.1997 – 30.09.1997 | Head of department “Paper sales” |
01.07.1995 – 31.12.1996 | Deputy Head of department “Paper sales” |
01.07.1993 – 30.06.1995 | Wilhelm Droemont GmbH & Co. KG, Brauweiler, Germany |
Sales department | |
01.02.1990 – 30.06.1993 | Dresdner Bank AG, Cologne |
08.07.1992 – 30.06.1993 | Business Manager in the subsidiary in Pulheim, Germany |
01.02.1990 – 07.07.1992 | Apprenticeship and formal education in banking |
01.08.1974 – 12.06.1987 | Grammar school of modern languages, Frechen, Germany |
A-levels (German: Abitur) |
Professional results
- Joining the European raw material sales between ALBA and INTERSEROH within the ALBA Group to strengthen the competitive position against purchasers of secondary resources
- Purchase of a plastics sales company (RDB GmbH in Aukrug, Germany with sales of 45 Mio. € p.a.) and development to the plastics sales centre within the ALBA Group
- Development of the Italian subsidiary ISR Interseroh Italia to one of the greatest exporters of recovered paper in Italy
- Re-structuring of the wood department of Interseroh SE and integration to the raw material segment of INTERSEROH (sales of 3 companies; turnaround in the remaining 5 companies)
- Development of ALBA Wertstoffmanagement GmbH from a paper sales company to an internationally acting sales company for secondary resources (1999: 15 employees, sales 15 Mio. €; 2006: 52 employees, sales 144 Mio. €)
- Technical support as project manager during the purchase of the U-Plus-Group (sales 220 Mio. €) in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, including the integration into the ALBA Group
- Winning the tender “Residual waste treatment” with subsequent foundation and operation of a public-private-partnership-company with the Berliner Stadtreinigung A.ö.R. (Municipal Sanitation, Berlin).
- Leading 4 companies in the fields of investment controlling and shareholder function
- Foundation of a sales company for alternative fuels with an external partner (Calobren GmbH)
- Technical support of the due diligence process during the purchase of RWE Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Convertion of invoicing and accounting of ALBA Wertstoffmanagement to SAP
- Development of recycling structures from waste statutes up to articles of association for the ALBA Group in Zenica (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
German | native speaker |
Englisch | fluent |
Italienisch | basics |